WEEKDAYS 26.1 & 26.2 2/24-2/28/14

Programs listed may be subject to last minute changes that may or may not be reflected on the web schedule.


26.1 WEEKDAYS 02/24/14 02/25/14 02/26/14 02/27/14 02/28/14
07:00 AM Peg + Cat Peg + Cat Peg + Cat Peg + Cat Peg + Cat
07:30 AM Dinosaur Train Dinosaur Train Dinosaur Train Dinosaur Train Dinosaur Train
08:00 AM Sesame Street Sesame Street Sesame Street Sesame Street Sesame Street
09:00 AM Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood
09:30 AM Sewing with Nancy Super Why! American Woodshop One Square Mile: Texas Super Why!
10:00 AM Ciao Italia Sid the Science Kid Hey Kids, Let’s Cook THE JAZZY VEGETARIAN Sid the Science Kid
10:30 AM Great Decisions Thomas & Friends HANDS ON CRAFTS CIAO ITALIA Thomas & Friends
11:00 AM Garden Smart Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood CIAO ITALIA Sew it All Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood
11:30 AM Painting and Travel Caillou Scrapbook Soup Painting & Travel Caillou
12:00 PM Texas Aggie Band Show Super Why! Overheard/Evan Smith Quilting Arts Super Why!
12:30 PM Paint This with Jerry Yarnell Dinosaur Train Just Seen It Fit 2 Stitch Dinosaur Train
01:00 PM Sew It All YOGA STRETCHES Texas Parks and Wildlife Scrapbook Soup YOGA STRETCHES
01:30 PM Fons & Porter Love of Quilting The Cat in the Hat MOTORWEEK It’s Sew Easy Paint This with Jerry Yarnell
02:00 PM The Farm with Ian Knauer Curious George Central Texas Gardener Knitting Daily Paint This with Jerry Yarnell
02:30 PM Closer to Truth Arthur Cooking 80/20 Beads Baubles and Jewels Outdoor Wisconsin
03:00 PM MOTORWEEK WordGirl WordGirl Texas Aggie Band Show BBC Newsnight
03:30 PM BBC World News America BBC World News America BBC World News America BBC World News America BBC World News America
04:00 PM Overheard with Evan Smith BETWEEN THE LINES NYC Originals Great Decisions IN THE FIGHT
04:30 PM Nightly Business Report Nightly Business Report Nightly Business Report Nightly Business Report Nightly Business Report
26.2 WEEKDAYS 02/17/14 02/18/14 02/19/14 02/20/14 02/21/14
06:00 AM Curious George Curious George Curious George Curious George Curious George
06:30 AM Cat in the Hat Cat in the Hat Cat in the Hat Cat in the Hat Cat in the Hat
07:00 AM Clifford Clifford Clifford Clifford Clifford
07:30 AM Martha Speaks Martha Speaks Martha Speaks Martha Speaks Martha Speaks
08:00 AM Arthur Arthur Arthur Arthur Arthur
08:30 AM Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Wild Kratts
09:00 AM Curious George Curious George Curious George Curious George Curious George
09:30 AM The Cat in the Hat The Cat in the Hat The Cat in the Hat The Cat in the Hat The Cat in the Hat
10:00 AM Peg + Cat Peg + Cat Peg + Cat Peg + Cat Peg + Cat
10:30 AM Dinosaur Train Dinosaur Train Dinosaur Train Dinosaur Train Dinosaur Train
11:00 AM Sesame Street Sesame Street Sesame Street Sesame Street Sesame Street
12:00 PM Daniel Tiger Neighborhood Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood
12:30 PM Super Why! Super Why! Super Why! Super Why! Super Why!
01:00 PM Sid the Science Kid Sid the Science Kid Sid the Science Kid Sid the Science Kid Sid the Science Kid
01:30 PM Thomas & Friends Thomas & Friends Thomas & Friends Thomas & Friends Thomas & Friends
02:00 PM Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood
02:30 PM Caillou Caillou Caillou Caillou Caillou
03:00 PM Super Why! Super Why! Super Why! Super Why! Super Why!
03:30 PM Dinosaur Train Dinosaur Train Dinosaur Train Dinosaur Train Dinosaur Train
04:00 PM Peg + Cat Peg + Cat Peg + Cat Peg + Cat Peg + Cat
04:30 PM Cat in the Hat Cat in the Hat Cat in the Hat Cat in the Hat Cat in the Hat
05:00 PM Curious George Curious George Curious George Curious George Curious George
05:30 PM Arthur Arthur Arthur Arthur Arthur
06:00 PM WordGirl WordGirl WordGirl WordGirl WordGirl
06:30 PM Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Wild Kratts
07:00 PM Martha Speaks Martha Speaks Martha Speaks Martha Speaks Martha Speaks
07:30 PM WordGirl WordGirl WordGirl WordGirl WordGirl



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