BEARS OF THE LAST FRONTIER ARCTIC WANDERERS WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 @ 6:00PM & 9:00PM It’s finally here — time for us to share our incredible Alaskan adventure with the world through Bears of the Last Frontier. It has been quite the journey. The film has been nearly two years in the making, and for both of us it has become an unforgettable part of our lives. Over the course of a year and a...


ALASKA GOLD TUESDAY, JULY 24 @ 8:00PM & 11:00PM The Bristol Bay region of southwest Alaska is home to the last great wild sockeye salmon fishery in the world. It’s also home to enormous mineral deposits—copper, gold, molybdenum—estimated to be worth over $300 billion. Now, two foreign mining companies are proposing to extract this mineral wealth by digging one of North America’s...


INSPECTOR LEWIS FEARFUL SYMMETRY SUNDAY, JULY 22 @ 7:00PM & 11:00PM Sometimes murder extends its reach even beyond the medieval walls of Oxford. So it goes when suburbanites Nick and Honey Addams return home after a night out to find their babysitter, Jessica Lake, dead, her wrists symmetrically bound to the Adams’s bed. Her death pose is shocking; more so is Inspector Lewis (Kevin...

SCHEDULE 7/19 – 7/25

Schedule Notes: All schedules contain the air time, program name and episode name when available. A detailed description for selected programs can be found under Program Highlights or may be featured on What’s on Tonight! Comments are closed on “Schedules ” and programs listed may be subject to last minute changes that may or may not be reflected on the web schedule....


IMMIGRATION IN AMERICA JOBS SATURDAY, JULY 21 @ 8:00PM HOMELAND: IMMIGRATION IN AMERICA presents the story of new immigrants who find themselves walking a fine line between access to and expulsion from the American dream. It’s also a story of American citizens who wonder if legal and illegal immigrants threaten their way of life. These intertwined and complex issues may have a significant...

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