SISTER ROSETTA THARPE THE GODMOTHER OF ROCK & ROLL SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24 @ 5:00PM Southern-born, Chicago-raised and New York-made. She could play the guitar like nobody else… nobody. Discover the life, music and influence of African-American gospel singer and guitar virtuoso Sister Rosetta Tharpe from writer, producer and director Mick Csaky. During the 1940s-60s, Tharpe introduced the...


RAISING ADAM LANZA TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10 @ 11:00PM How do you make sense of a seemingly senseless act of violence? How do you help the country begin to process the trauma of 20 small children shot dead in their classroom? In the wake of the mass killings at Sandy Hook Elementary, FRONTLINE and The Hartford Courant’s jarring documentary “Raising Adam Lanza” tackles those...


MIND OF A RAMPAGE KILLER SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23 @ 11:00PM What makes a person walk into a theater or a church or a classroom full of students and open fire? What combination of circumstances compels a human being to commit the most inhuman of crimes? Can science in any way help us understand these horrific events and provide any clues as to how to prevent them in the future? Find out more...


THE PATH TO VIOLENCE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 @ 8:00PM   Psychologists, working with law enforcement officers, have devised tools to prevent violent attacks. “The Path to Violence,” details a powerfully effective Secret Service program — the Safe School Initiative — that’s helped schools detect problem behavior. Find out more...


GUNS IN AMERICA TUESDAY, AUGUST 13 @ 9:00PM From the first European settlements in the New World to frontier justice and from the Civil War to civil rights, guns have been at center of our national narrative. “After Newtown: Guns In America” traces the evolution of guns in the U.S., their frequent link to violence and the clash of cultures that reflect competing visions of our...

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